Training 1:  December 30th 2020

Training 2:  January 6th 2021

  • We go LIVE today woo-hoo!
  • ​Share up your link that was emailed to you and start inviting others to join you on the Business on Fire Challenge
  • ​Focus on Challenge "Finishers"
  • ​Introduce yourself in the Life on Fire Movement group to help build community
  • ​When you see one of our ads... "like" it & comment some love. This helps all of us!
  • ​If you don't have your link re-sign up at: - if you still have an issue please email

Training 3: January 6th 2021

  •  Promotion is CRUSHING IT woo-hoo!  Over 10,500 people registered :)
  • ​Focus on "inviting" others to make a 2021 Vision Board with you
  • ​We answered many FAQ on the live training
  • ​Do your best to encourage others to "finish" the challenge

Training 4 January 20th 2021


Get ready Ambassador's...we are embarking on a journey to impact over 30,000 lives on this Challenge woo-hoo!

Imagine what will happen with 30k+ people clear on their God-Given Assignment...

That's how we take ground and build the's all about God's VISION!

There's about to be A LOT of Vision / Prayer boards being made...FOR THE KINGDOM!


Simply share your above unique referral link with friends and family and then earn $350 (35%) for every person who signs up for Life on Fire Academy ($997)

Simply put: Get Paid to Transform Lives! It’s the ultimate win-win-win



  •  Over the years we’ve paid out over a million dollars in commission to affiliates and we would LOVE to pay you for sharing us instead of Facebook or Instagram Ads 🙂
  • ​The FREE Business on Fire Challenge transforms lives and gets such great results that the participants have a high probability of signing up for our Life on Fire Academy.
  • ​The more people you get signed up for the Challenge the more commission you will earn.
  • ​For every 10 people that you refer to the challenge that “complete it” you should have 1-3 sales
  • ​1 PERSON = $350 commission
  • ​3 people = $1,050 commission
  • ​On the last Challenge, we had one Ambassador who made $27,300 just by sharing the free challenge all over social media and with his email list.
  • ​We also had dozens of others who made $350 – $2,100 simply by sharing it up with friends & family.


  •  $10,000 bonus (100 sales min)
  • ​$5,000 bonus (50 sales min)
  • ​$2,500 bonus (25 sales min)
  • ​$1,000 bonus (10 sales min)
  • ​$500 bonus (5 sales min)


  • MacBook Air $1,000
  • ​Yeti Mic $130
  • ​Earn a raffle ticket for EVERY sale that you make!
  • ​Drawing will take place at the end of the promotion


Mon April 12th Promotion KICK OFF!
- Promote your link to get as many people registered to the Challenge as possible

Mon April 26th Session 1 at 7am PT
Wed April 28th Session 2 at 7am PT
Fri April 30th Session 3 at 7am PT

Fri April 30th - BONUS SESSION

Mon May 3rd Session 4 at 7am PT
Wed May 5th Session 5 at 7am PT ***Shopping Cart Opens!***
- Promote your "Sales" link that we provide to encourage your prospects to buy

Friday May 7th Session 6 at 7am PT

Mon May 10th Session 7 at 7am PT

Tues May 11th Bonus QA  ***Shopping Cart Closes at 11:59pm PT!***
- Email, text, call your prospects and let them know today is the last chance!


Click the button below to go to the Google Drive Folder.

* When posting on Facebook...ALWAYS put your link in the comments.
* When posting on IG...ALWAYS tell them to click on the link in your bio (update your bio)

* It's helpful to buy a "vanity domain" and forward it to your long unique Ambassador link.  Example. and forward it to the link.  It's easier to say and for people to spell it out.

* Do NOT use Life on Fire in your url (we have a trademark and we can't allow other people to use it...or we will lose our trademark)


  •  WE ARE A TEAM!  Let's support each other and please don't get greedy about sales.  Nothing worse than seeing a beautiful community get pulled apart because people are fighting over the tracking of someone who signs up.
  • ​YOU MUST USE YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE AMBASSADOR LINK - No Exceptions!  We've been doing this for 10 years and we have the best platform on the market.  If the person isn't tracked to you...then they are not your sale.  It's part of the business.  Example for the Tony Robbins launch, we had people that we marketed to and truly believed that bought through us...but if they were tracked to another affiliate...then that's it.  We have to go by the system with no exceptions.  So please use your link to sign up people up!
  • Share YOUR experience:  Go live on your public FB & Instagram multiple times leading up to April 26th.  Share the impact of your experience on the Business on Fire Challenge.  Share your heart, your results.
  • ​Say:  "Do you want to make your 2021 Vision Board with me?"  Invite them to do it with YOU.  Of course they will get the full training...but think of it as you getting people to do it WITH you.  
  • Coach them through it!:  When you have people that say YES...don't leave it up for chance.  Engage with them and help them through the Challenge.  Stay in touch and hold them accountable.  There will be thousands of people in there and when you Coach them through it... they WILL FINISH.  To really help them transform their life during the process it's about finishing.
  • How Many Of Your People Will Finish!?  Optin numbers are cool...but how many people will YOU take across the finish line?  That's what matters.  You will make huge commissions when you hold the space and help them finish.  We've done this for 5 years...and that's how you flourish financially while impacting lives.
  • GO ALL OUT!  What does that look like for you?  Phone calls, emails, texts, and social posts throughout...that's the recipe for creating massive success during a big launch like this.
  • ​Advanced:  Share a "Bonus Package:" This is how we were named the #4 affiliate in the world for Tony Robbins.  We gave people bonuses for buying through us.  What's the best bonus?  YOU!  Tell them that you'll give them a couple hours of 1-on-1 time to help them implement the strategies in the Life on Fire Academy.  Think about your own experience...where did YOU need more help.  Fill in any gaps of the program with your bonus and make it an EXTRA no-brainer for them.
  • BE SUPPORTIVE IN THE LOF MOVEMENT FB GROUP:  We are all on the same team - so be a leader throughout the experience.  Do the action steps with excellence.  Engage in the group and cheer others on.  This will increase the % of people that FINISH and it will benefit everyone.  
  • SHARE YOUR LOF ACADEMY TESTIMONY:  When we make the offer on Wed 5/5 - share your testimony in the FB group.  We don't want to be over the top and salesy...but honestly share your heart and your results to help encourage others.  Doing this helps EVERYONE get more people to hop on board.
  • A HUGE NO-NO:  Absolutely NO Pillaging the FB group and trying to convince others to buy from you.  Example, friending...then messaging people in the group and then encouraging them to buy from you.  This will lead to IMMEDIATE termination - no commissions, and removal from all of our groups.  This would create an unsafe environment where people would feel "icky" being in our group. We are called to love one one another.  Please please no pillaging.  This hurts every other Ambassador, the brand, and the challenger...nobody wins in that case.
  • ​IMPORTANT:  Please do NOT use "Life on Fire" in any of your domains and / or copy!  Instead use:  "" example:  We have a trademark on Life on Fire and if our attorneys don't defend it...we will literally use it.  So please do not use it.  We don't want them to send you a cease & desist etc.
  • Payout Schedule: We will have a 30 day refund policy.  You can expect your first payment on July 15th. The downside you have to wait a bit for commissions until after the refund period, the upside you'll get paid out more with more payments collected.
  • ​Important to Note: We will be paying out on NEW LEADS only, if they are existing in our database, they will not be paid out.